3D Slice Software
There are many different kinds of 3D slice software which connect CAD to 3D printer
In class we would use Flash print.
No | Software | cost | OS |
1 | Simplify3D | $150 | Windows, Mac |
2 | Cura | free | Windows, Mac, Linux |
3 | flash print | free | Windows, Mac, Linux |
4 | Repetier | free | Windows, Mac, Linux |
5 | Slic3r | free | Windows, Mac, Linux |
6 | 3DPrinterOS | free | Browser, Windows, Mac |
7 | Netfabb Standard | $1000-4300 | Windows |
8 | MakerBot Print | free | Windows, Mac |
9 | Astroprint | free | Browser, Raspberry Pi, pcDuino |
10 | SliceCrafter | free | Browser |
11 | Craftware | free | Windows, Mac |
12 | SelfCAD | $9.99/month | Browser |
13 | IceSL | free | Windows, Linux |
14 | KISSlicer | $35 | Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pie |
15 | MatterControl | free | Windows, Mac, Linux |
16 | HORI 3D print soft | free | Windows |
17 | Tinkerine Suite | free | Windows, Mac |
18 | Z-Suite | free | Windows, Mac |
19 | OctoPrint | free | Raspberry Pi, Windows, Mac Linux |
20 | Magics | charge | Windows, Mac, Linux |
21 | Voxeldance | charge | Windows |