As a part of Design Engineering 2022,This workshop was launched for ZJU industry design master. 40 students form 8 groups. This project was launched in Sept 2022 We would list some key points every group need improve before final presentation. The following is the schedule.

Date Course Content
9.22 Introduction of design engineering
9.29 Project management
10.8 Computer aided design
10.13 Open source hardware and Arduino basic
10.20 Arduino (output devices)
10.27 Arduino (input devices)
11.3 CNC machine
11.10 Interface application programming
11.17 3D printing
11.24 QA
12.1 Computer-controlled cutting
12.8 Midterm presentation ,Q&A
12.15 Intelligent materials (zhou)
12.22 Arduino IOT
12.29 Q&A
1.5 Final presentation

the Red Gang Tailor's

Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 Done
Project management 1.check navbar
2.check link in "about"
3.tell the problem"Win PC and failed "
4.introduce about style.css
5.font size a liitle bigger
6.mention how to manage github reopsitory and web page;
7. English at least
20221122 middle
Computer aided design 1.confirm the sketch from blue to black
2.the command explain about revolve;
array setting method;
every one need at least one model ,and then assemble ,motion it ;
20221122 doing
Arduino need your own homework,not just class test 20221122 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming need processing & arduino practice(own not class demo) 20221223 high
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management more detail about web build
1. from "LodaSidebar:true" to "LoadSidebar:true "
2.screenshot for key step
3.English at least data from loal to github"
5.simple introduce "package.json and package-lock.json"
6.novelai method in new page not in team introduce
20221122 doing
Computer aided design assemble method
2. motion
3. drawing method
show conflict in same word in "修改-更改参数"
20221122 doing
Arduino coding,thinkercad connection, real connection,gif for 2case 20221122 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming show every step result 20221122 doing
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management some screenshot for deploy
the mean of " hexo g "and "hexo s "
20221122 doing
Computer aided design 1.confirm the size and postion for the first sketch
2.choice axis and profile for revolve
3.from "repeat the steps to create the rest wheels" to assemble ,in the meantime show the browser, we need build component to replay just in one body ,then assemble it
4. show how to add wood texture for windows
5.lack ebable motion test
20221122 doing
Arduino 20221122 well
CNC machine
Interface application programming explore new tool similar with processing
Do one demo in processing which can use mouse or keyboard to interactive
20221122 doing
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management 1.English at least
2.sidebar method
20221122 doing
Computer aided design sketch button
2.extrude detail
3.wrong link for proe
20221122 doing
Arduino some case with output 20221122 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming 1. show final coding
2.try ps5.js mode in processing
3. try to find some tool simialr with processing
20221122 doing
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management 1.coding highlight not just picture
2.english at least
3.step by step introduce how to make it
20221223 doing
Computer aided design detail
2. what's the mean of "添加驱动参数"
3.solidwors don't contain fusion information one model for every step at least
5.introduce assembly method
6.need command for add material not just result
7. add fuison link which can preview 3d model in web
20221227 doing
Arduino 1.thinkercad connect for "超声波测距,LCD1602显示" and real gif
2.coding highlight arduino& processing,need arduino part information(coidng ,connect)
4.thinkercad connect , real connect and final gif for "温湿度传感实验"
20221223 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming
3D printing 1.need machine setting and running information
2.need detail for post processing
20221223 doing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation

Peopl3 Drag Per2on

Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management 1.Team introduce chinese in coding for markdown to upload data
20221122 doing
Computer aided design 1.more screenshot for keystep
2.assemble method
3.motion method
20221122 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering 20221122 done
Project management English at least
2.check the link method"本页面"
data upload to github method
20221122 doing
Computer aided design discuss problem face to face 20221122 doing
Arduino coding highlight not picture 20221122 doing
CNC machine
Interface application programming home work for processing 20221122 doing
3D printing
Computer-controlled cutting
Intelligent materials (zhou)
Arduino IOT
Final presentation


  • 20221007:build page
  • 20221122:v1 evoluation

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