Hi everyone. The following is our schedule for 8 weeks,start from 9 Nov.

Date Course Content
11.9 Introduction of design engineering
11.16 Project management
11.23 Computer aided design
11.30 3D printing & laser cutter
12.7 Arduino
12.14 Interface application programming
12.21 Q&A
12.28 Final presentation

Our evolution method is the following

Daily homework full score is 70

Course Content Full Score
Project management 15
Computer aided design 10
3D printing & laser cutter 20
Arduino 15
Interface application programming 10

Final presentation full socre is 30

Evolutation aspect Full Score
SDGs 6
Innovation 6
Market analysis 6
Key tech analysis 6
Material and how to make it 6

Four Esigners

Course Content Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering done
Project management 1.add hexo link in page;
2.Simple introduce how to run git during beginning;
3. introduce the opertation of"-config.yml";
4.Mention how to clone to local and push to github;
5.show how to setting navbar;
6.Show the layout of file in github especially the main working for homework and final project;
7.checking the layout of "projects" page
20230306 13
Computer aided design 1.Attach the download link for data;
2.show the gif for the result of "Motion Animation Procedure";
3.Simple parameter design practice;
4. Try one plugins and used in your design"utilities-addins"
20230307 9
3D printing & laser cutter 1.laser cutter design and manufacture project
2.connect with arduino;
3.checking the kerf not error;
4. show clear picture for laser cutter project"soft robot"
20230308 20
Arduino 1.in case2 you have case1 picture 20230306 13
Interface application programming 1.show the webpage how to install p5js;
2.show the connection of arduino in thinkercad
20230307 9
Final presentation SDGs:4 ;
Market analysis:6;
Key tech analysis:3;
Material and how to make it:4
20230308 21

Four Vegetables

Course Content Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.English version better than Chinese version;
2.nodejs link and how to use git to check node version;
change from "—sidebar.md" to "_sidebar.md" ;
3.more coverypage information;
4.git clone before setting docsify in vscode;
5.more detail during push to github;
6.show how to public webpage;
7."打开github终端并键入下列代码:" from github to git
8.check the sidebar real infromation not copy;
9.checking the coverpage real information not copy;
10. check the clone information not just copy;
11.why need GitHub Enterprise Cloud
20230308 12
Computer aided design 1.design detail in one model;
2.assemble method;
3.motion detail;
4.engineering drawing;
5.Simple parameter design practice;
6. Try one plugins and used in your design"utilities-addins"
20230308 7
3D printing & laser cutter 1.software parameter for 3D printing machine;
2.machine information for laser cutter;
3. from "准确度测试"to kerf"激光直径";
4. laser cutter make assemble model;
laser cutter model assemble with arduino project
20230307 20
Arduino 1.repair the coding for example;
2.show the result for ultra sensor;
3. check "lcd_display() "for Ultrasonic sensor
20230308 13
Interface application programming 1.checking the coding for arduino ,Serial.write 20230308 9
Final presentation SDGs:5;
Market analysis:6;
Key tech analysis:3;
Material and how to make it:3;
20230308 20

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