Hi everyone. The following is our schedule for 8 weeks,start from 19 Sepember.

Date Course Content
0919 Introduction of design engineering
0926 Project management
1010 Computer aided design
1017 3D printing & laser cutter
1024 Arduino
1031 Interface application programming
1107 Q&A
1128 Final presentation

Our evolution method is the following

Daily homework full score is 70

Course Content Full Score
Project management 15
Computer aided design 10
Arduino 15
Interface application programming 10
3D printing & laser cutter 20

Final presentation full socre is 30

Evolutation aspect Full Score
SDGs 6
Innovation 6
Market analysis 6
Key tech analysis 6
Material and how to make it 6


Course Content Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.no link for person in about us page
2.wrong link in 翁诗彤 and 叶润 for github page in the bottom
3. all English no mix
4.before"Ensure Source and Branch have been setting",you need build repository
5. mention the problem and how to deal with them "page build and deployment"put all the _config.yml on web and highlight the minima
6. wrong for githubdestop with github deployment during push
7.the file relationship in fold especial _sidebar.md and _navbar.md
8.wrong information for _sidebar.md and _navbar.md
9.mention the function for navbar,sdiebar,coverpage
10.mention the real information for personal introduce and video in the web page
11.how to write your first document
12.mention your final projec idea
13.how to collaborator team
mention the difference of two repositories(the different between wengstA/YourName with 2023zjudemini-hi1)
20231107 14
Computer aided design 1.plugin need more detail(from fusion360appstore)
2.no joint
3. motion realtionship need think
4. simple parameter design
5.how to make the first sketch
6.how to draw a Mechanical Drawing in software
7.everyone at least one model
8.no web link for 3Dmodel review
9.jointbefore motion
10.engineering need diammeter replace radius
20231127 9
3D printing & laser cutter 1.3d print software layout the model
2.we just need one nozzle
3.software parameter different with 3d printing parameter at least tempature
4.how to use laser cutter(open machine,transport data,running machine)
5.wrong picture for laser cutter running
6. try to find some new application and research
7.Use laser cutter to process your project
8.Assembe some laser cutter parts together
9.Assemble with your arduino project
10.video from screenshot replace mobile phone
11.Statistics on cutting test results
12.check the quality for " Set different parameters (power/speed) with different colors in Laser CAD V8.12
13.wrong picture (degree)for "Open the Laser cutting machine to location and border running"
14.open fume extractor before run the machine
20231127 19
Arduino 1.Our Focusing Open Source Project with picture
2.to do at least one arduino case with tinkercad connect drawing ,physical connect,coding,gif for result
3.the bilibili gif(function)
4.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
5.in tinkercad,the line need vertical &horzon
6.the project need input and output at least
7. the first tinkercad picture is wrong
8.raspberry need information for connection picture and how to run it
basic informaion about opencv
20231127 13
Interface application programming 20231107 9
Final presentation 20231128 28.5


Course Content Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.mention the file relation in fold"_config.yml"
2. mention where can we get or learn more Theme
3.how to setting navbar and link
4.how to write your first document including link, tilte,picture
5.clone,pull ,push to github,
6. mention your final projec idea
7.how to collaborator team
8.how to open terminal
9. config.yml not config.ym1
20231116 12
Computer aided design 1.at least one part need every step
2.Plugin from fusion360appstore
3. step by step for motion (how to setting)
4.no parameter desgin basic
5.need clear picture
20231119 10
3D printing & laser cutter 1.3d print software layout the model
2.wrong temperature for "Comparison of results between two printouts"
3. record for team‘s own model for 3d printing
4.how to use laser cutter(open machine,transport data, running machine)
5. try to find some new application and research
6.Assemble with your arduino project
7.video from screenshot replace mobile phone
8.wrong picture for "Open the Laser cutting machine to location and border running"
9.open fume extractor before run the machine
20231030 17
Arduino 1.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
2.need input&output at least
3.just need one pciture for input &output(no fritzing and ws2812)
4. tinkerCAD line need vertical and horizon
5.Adafruit_NeoPixel.h just need one
20231127 12
Interface application programming 1.check reference result
2.arduino connection line need horizon or vertical
20231127 9
Final presentation 20231128 27.5

Update time

  • 20230918:update schedule

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