Basic introduce

Hi everyone ,this semester we would learn interactivesystem together. The following is our schedule.we would do it step by step.

Interactivesystem workshop offer knowledge and skill about the hardware development especial prototype stage, and guide participant to practice. During the course , participant can system learn “how to make almost everything”, they would learn project management, mechanical design and manufacture, embedded development ,material, IT, etc. This course is team working, and it is a good opportunity for them to solve some SDGs problems.

We have online guidebook . We would try to push hardware innovation in our community one by one. In the meantime,We reference Fablab to build our lab. Nov 30,2022,Bob success become Fab Lab instructor and Fab Lab Ningbo-NexMaker become Fab Academy 2023 node,so we would launch Fab Academy 2023 with the help of some friends.


Date Course Content
0425 Introduction of design engineering
0428 Project management
0509 Open-source hardware and Arduino output
0516 pre presentation & QA
0521 Arduino input
0523 Processing(Interface application programming)
0528 Computer aided design
0530 QA
0604 Material
0606 Midterm presentation
0611 3D printing
0613 Computer-controlled cutting
0618 IOT
0620 QA
0625 QA
0627 Final presentation


Our evolution method is the following

Daily homework full score is 60

Course Content Full Score
Project management 10
Arduino output 5
Arduino input 5
Processing 5
Material 5
Computer aided design 10
3D printing 10
Computer-controlled cutting 5
Arduino IOT 5


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.change log in &sign up
2.the button for "about us" need information homework
4. Team Members'link in navbar is wrong ;Team Members' picture is wrong,add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository)
5. need final project's idea
6,how to build the web
0602 7
Arduino output 1.the size of picture recommand the same
2.update the information from wiki
3.detail for stepper motor
4.tinkercad connect
5.gif for result
6.highlight the coding
0602 3
Arduino input 1.tinkercad connect
2.gif for result
3.highlight the coding
0602 3
Interface application programming 1.check picture 0602 4
Material 1.quality of picture material
plastic two picture
metal postprocess
plastic postprocess
0618 4
Computer aided design 1.cosntrain all sketch
3.check picture quality
5.automated model
6. drawing
simlar software
0625 8
3D printing 1.peek(temperature and force)
2.machine setting
3. check wall thickness
5. machine operation
6. postprocess method
8.cura link
0625 9
Computer-controlled cutting 0625 4
Arduino IOT 0625 4


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.use member's name replace menber1,member2,etc to define sidebar(need the new version)in index.html
3.write a simple document with markdown ,or html
4. the main relation for file and fold in github
5.need css detail
6. the setting for picgo to use git to clone,pull push repositroy
8.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository
9. high light all index.html coding
0602 10
Arduino output 1.the link for Orange Pi
2.check the Example for LED
3.homework case need own not from class
0601 5
Arduino input 1.tinkercad connect wrong
2. need your own case
0602 5
Interface application programming 1.check processing coding(portname)
2.need gif show result
3. mention the reference link
4. show the result of example
5. from Keyboard interaction to mouse interaction
0601 5
Material 1.material step by step
2. link
3. ti series and postprocess
4.plastic postprocess
5.wood safety
5.bolt and nut
0625 5
Computer aided design 1. constrain all sketch to extrude,assmeble and motion
3.Simple parameter design practice;
4.Try one plugins and used in your design
5.Engineering Drawing for on component at least;
6.Practice for Automated Modeling the result of automated model
0602 9
3D printing 1.FDA
4.machine setting in software
0625 10
Computer-controlled cutting 1.SOP
2.drilling machine
3.paper for lasercutter
0625 4
Arduino IOT 0625 4


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.ignore telephone number in web
2. show coding with text not picture
3. how to write the one of webpage
4.web can't run member's picture not working
6. need high quality picture to set the home page
8. picture left or center how to make button,link and picture in figma
0602 10
Arduino output need own case to show your practice not class's case 0602 5
Arduino input 1.check the picture
2. need own case to show your practice not class's case
0602 4
Interface application programming 1.go to one page(don't connect with arduino input)
2. need circuit connect
3. read the detail for assessment
0602 3
Material 1.add picture and link
2. material for final project to run for laser holographic material
4.change the position for wood workflow
5.keyword for final project material
0625 4
Computer aided design check the assessment carefully
2.need own case to show your practice not class's case
5.Engineering Drawing
6.automated model
0625 8
3D printing 1.need application
2.need model and then setting
3.check flow setting
4.check the size of machine
5.the result of slice
6.Use 3D printer to manufacture it
7.improve painting and detail
8.Try to read gcode
0625 9
Computer-controlled cutting picture
2.CNC picture
3.check the machine ,material
0625 3
Arduino IOT 0625 3


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.can't click navbar for team working and personal web
2.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository homework
4.Froyo has two picture
5.the problem for 4,5,6,
6. picture can't load
7.coding need highlight not picture
8.picture need high quality
9.navbar in assessment homework is not working
0601 10
Arduino output need your own case and show step by step 0601 4
Arduino input need tinkercad connect
2.check the connect with sensor
0602 4
Interface application programming check tinkcaed connec 0602 5
Material 1.need more detail about milk plastic
2.check Fire and heat insulation
3. manufacture method(result)4.delete"Plastic disposal methods"
5.Acrylic pciture
6.pc pipe~~
0625 5
Computer aided design 1constrain all sketch(from blue to black)
2.parameter design (some of parameter has relationship for example 1mm,not just give the data)
3,need engineering drawing
0625 10
3D printing picture to new technology
2.change the position of slice screenshoot
4. machine setting
5. material
0625 9
Computer-controlled cutting cnc 0625 3
Arduino IOT 0625 3


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