Hi everyone. The following is our schedule.

Date Course Content
9.28 Introduction of design engineering
10.12 Project management
10.19 Computer aided design
10.26 Q&A
11.2 3D printing
11.9 Computer-controlled cutting
11.16 Midterm presentation ,Q&A
11.23 Open source hardware and Arduino basic
11.30 Q&A
12.7 Interface application programming
12.14 Q&A
12.21 Q&A
12.28 Final presentation

Our evolution method is the following

Daily homework full score is 70

Course Content Full Score
Project management 10
Computer aided design 10
3D printing 10
laser cutter 10
Arduino 20
Interface application programming 10

Final presentation full socre is 30

Evolutation aspect Full Score
SDGs 6
Innovation 6
Market analysis 6
Key tech analysis 6
Material and how to make it 6


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.wait teammember information
2.check link(Introduction to Design Engineering,introduce team ,how we build our webpage)
3.how to start every step
4.add some screenshot for key step
5. no copy for homework
6.check the layout web(picture with words)
7.delete hobbies and teamrole if no infromation in teammember introduce
8.express how to clone github repository, how to run git,how to open terminal for the first time
9. _sidebar.md should be your onw infromation not copy
10.mention how to pull and push to github
20230403 8
Computer aided design 1.detail screenshot show how to design every step at least one part(including how to the command panel);
2.bigger size picture not so small
3.show how to assembly & motion
4.everyone need at least one part
5.engineering drawing
6.simple introduce anther CAD software(for example you use solidworks)
7.method to add solidworks 3d model in web
8.mention how to make engineering draw and motion
20230331 8
3D printing 1.checking the layout of picture ,the size too small
2.how to practice in software
3. how to translate data from software to machine
4.machine setting
5.how to take model out and delete useless materail(support, raft)
6.is this your own working for final assembly
7.show how to control machine
20230403 7
Computer-controlled cutting 1.connect with arduino
2.show design detail expecial kerf
3. mention sth about kerf
20230403 7
Arduino control every project need BOM,thinkercad connect,coding and real physical runing picture or gif 20230331 14
Interface application programming 20230403 7
SDGs 20230404 5
Innovation 20230404 4
Market analysis 20230404 4
Key tech analysis 20230404 5
Material and how to make it 20230404 6


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.webpage layout;
2.about button;
3.teammember's picture and link;
4.highlight coding;
5.method for language and step1-step3
6.delete assessment
7.check the fr button for language
8.checking the chinese for homework name(some of them no transalation or wrong translation)
9.no chinese version for laser cutter,processing
20230403 9
Computer aided design 1.detail for one design(part, assemble,motion,colar and materail)
2.some another CAD software introduce
3.enlarge picture,picture not clear
4. need assemble
5.need motion
6.small vidoe use gif better
7.constrain all sketch in "Step 2:"all the line would go from blue to black
8. explain the command how to extrude from sketch
20230403 10
3D printing 1.software new setting
2.printing location method
3.clean support method
4.software and 3d printer background put in reference ,no need in class2 and class3
5.how to change the size in software for version 2
6.gif for assemble motion
7. show how to put the final design data in slice software
8.post process method at least remove clean support
9.show how to control machine
20230404 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.add test data for cutting
2.show sth assembly parameter
3.some assembly relation for arduino
20230331 10
Arduino control 1.checking heading size to make it easy to read
2. all coding from picture to text
20230403 18
Interface application programming 20230331 9
SDGs 20230404 6
Innovation 20230404 5
Market analysis 20230404 5
Key tech analysis 20230404 6
Material and how to make it 20230404 6


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.edit social media link
2.add personal picture
3.column for introduction
4.update language setting
5 no space in name
6.change faq page
7.sidebar layout ~~
~~8.faq,everyproblem need atleast one screenshot

9. "5. Add sidebar and navbar" in document not copy, siderbar's link has problem
10.show detail coding for "C. SET UP TEAMINTRO"
10.checking the launguage for homework ,need corresponding document for everything if you have language choice
20230403 9
Computer aided design detail for design,material step by step at least one case
2.motion and assemble
3. drawing
20230403 9
3D printing 1.checking picture
2.show how to setting in slice software
3. show how to control machine
4. show how to post processing
20230403 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.need assembly with Arduino
2.show design detail expecial kerf
3.assembly the model with gif
20230331 7
Arduino control check assessment ,need some of LED, motor,sensor,screen,but now just LED 20230403 16
Interface application programming 1.do own working except class working and snake game
2.the case processing connect with arduino
20230331 7
SDGs 20230404 6
Innovation 20230404 4
Market analysis 20230404 4
Key tech analysis 20230404 4
Material and how to make it 20230404 4


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.web build method
2.check "our version" and "language"
3.delete useless link for aboutus
4.check the picture of about us
5.check the 3d printer information in sidebar
6.how to pull and push to github from local
7.checking the launguage for homework ,need corresponding document for everything if you have language choice,no Arabic in navbar but document mention it
8. wrong link for "about us" in navbar
20230403 8
Computer aided design 1.keyword simple introduce every step
2.assemble ~~
5.another CAD software introduce
~~6. check the link for Autodesk
20230331 8
3D printing 1.check the assessment for detail
2.how to remove support
20230331 8
Computer-controlled cutting 1.wrong link for picture
2.big picture size for better read
3.assemble with arduino
4.parameter especial kerf show in CAD
20221221 7
Arduino control 1.LCD screen need wire connect picture and final result
2.check the size of video
20230331 16
Interface application programming 1.expresss project function
2.do one your own project
3.the case processing connect with arduino
20230403 9
SDGs 20230404 6
Innovation 20230404 5
Market analysis 20230404 4
Key tech analysis 20230404 5
Material and how to make it 20230404 5


  • 20221007:build page;
  • 20221026:update schedule;
  • 20221121:update zju2022manufacure v1 condition;
  • 20230403:final evolution for daily homework;
  • 20230404:final evolution for final project;

Reference information

  1. tecviz
  2. Brainii Makers


    • The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program
    • teamsetting for html
  4. Mavericks

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