As a part of Design Engineering 2023,This workshop was launched for ZJU industry design master. Students form 8 groups. This project was launched in Sept 2023 We would list some key points every group need improve before final presentation. The following is the schedule.

Daily homework full score is 60

Course Content Full Score
Project management 10
Computer aided design 10
3D printing 10
Computer-controlled cutting 10
Arduino 10
Interface application programming 10

Final presentation full socre is 40

Date Course Content
0922 Introduction of design engineering
0928 Project management
1007 Intelligent Materials
1012 Computer aided design
1019 Open-source hardware and Arduino basic
1026 Arduino (output devices)
1102 Arduino (input devices)
1109 Midterm presentation
1116 CNC machine
1123 Interface application programming
1130 3D printing
1207 Computer-controlled cutting
1214 Arduino IOT
1221 Patent application
1228 Q&A
0104 Final presentation


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.detail for build repository and run in local(at least link) to get Personal Access Tokens to run docsify
4.detail for fold and file relationship
5.vidoe detail coding
6.recommand Engilsh
7. mention your final projec idea to write your first document with markdown at least including tilte,header,picture,link(use one document for example)
9.the link for "。"is wrong
10.git use word not picture to collaborator team
12.markdown add picture and link,try origin method,your method is html method
13.picture size
20231228 10
Computer aided design 1.check picture size
2.constrain the path of rectange and circle in sketch
3.check picture quality the command detail for "从实体创建零件", "环形阵列" and others,
5. gif for one detail model
6.add the link of"Fusion 360 APP store"
7.use "GFgear Generator" not "addin sample" to find zju2023 fold and your team's information
9.Simple parameter design practice
10.test contact set/motion link and show gif;
11.Engineering Drawing for on component at least
12.Simple introduce another CAD software or experience
13.information for "软件安装,零件建模,零件建模图例,仿真视频"
20240103 9
Arduino 1.need tinkercad for everycase
2.simple introduce arduino IDE layout to upload coding to Arduino
4.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
5.check pic size
20240102 9
CNC machine ok
Interface application programming tool
2.Do one demo in processing and arduino
20240103 8
3D printing 1.key parameter in table
2.problem solution
3.postprocessing method
4.gif for assemble application
20240103 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.material with picture
3. assemble with arduino
4. assemble laser cutter part
20240103 9
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Introduction of design engineering
Project management 1.recommand Engilsh
2.mention how to build team repositry to run terminal
3. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
4. mention your final projec idea
5.collaborators change to one admin,other student as maintain
6. how to edit coverpage
7.detail for fold and file relationship
8. the method get token
9. the method get pic address with the help of picgo to write your first document with markdown at least including tilte,header,picture,link
11.the relationship "project management" with "fusion 360" in sidebar useless
20240103 8
Computer aided design 1.sketch (need constrain)and extrude detail
4.3d model insert web
4.motion method
5. fusion 360 plugin detail
6.practice for Automated Modeling
20240104 9
Arduino 1."2.2 Schematic circuit diagram" picture size, coding highlight not picture, to upload to Arduino
3.need arduino input and output,not the case from class
4.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage,IOTproject
20240103 8
CNC machine 20240103 ok
Interface application programming 20240103 8
3D printing need detail postprocess and assemble ,last time running 20240103 8
Computer-controlled cutting 1.need case assemble with arduino2.need assemble case from laser cutter~~
3.need result for laser cutter testing
20240103 9
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1."the link for the template of hexo " to use git to clone ,pull, push
3.mention your final projec idea to write your first document
5.where is local path for "Create a folder for Hexo and create a web project here." to collaborator team
7.git in terminal use highlight coding not picture to publish webpage
9.the fold and file relationship to open git/terminal
20231101 10
Computer aided design 1.Design your first 3D model detail
2.Simple parameter design practice;
3.test contact set/motion link and show gif;
4.Try one plugins in fusion 360 app store and used in your design;
5.Engineering Drawing for on component at least;
3d model web live
20240102 10
Arduino 1.add own homework
2.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
3. show the different pubsubclient.h with highlight coding to seting wifi in alicloud
DHT connect to alicloud
the relationship dht11 with "电位器"
20240103 9
CNC machine 20240102 ok
Interface application programming 20240103 10
3D printing 3D Printing Advanced Experiment,is it your own case or others case 20240102 9
Computer-controlled cutting assemble all model together and show the gif at least 20240103 10
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management to run terminal
2. how to design coverpage(mention index.html and screenshot,and the location)
3.github repository "NexMaker-Fab/2023zjude-keyidu" at the end of team introduce ,need link
4.add total picture for vscode
5. total information of index.html
6."Problem and solution" need problem picture
7.github clone ,pull,push method
8. install git during pre deployment to write your first document with markdown at least including tilte,header,picture,link (your information is index.html not document) to collaborator team,need all member's information
11.highlight coding not picture
12.the fold and file relationship the total index.html
20240103 8
Computer aided design 1.need new plugin from online app store and used in your design
2. the relationship different body or component
3.detail design for one model
4.check picture quality show how to design history for one component
6.Simple parameter design practice
7.Engineering Drawing for on component at least
8.Simple introduce another CAD software or experience
20240103 8
Arduino no demo video
check assessment carefully
20240103 9
CNC machine ok
Interface application programming picture can't read 20240103 8
3D printing 1.New 3D printing research to do post processing
20240103 9
Computer-controlled cutting 20240103 8
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.use github fork to maintain repository,you information should be in ""
2.recommand English
3. how to run git,open git bush or other software(not github)
4. detail for "Specify the theme" to write homepage,show the total coding
6.mention about your final project to use git to git clone,pull,push to collaborator team,need all teammember
9.the fold and file relationship(the picture and word to explain) all for config.yml
20240103 8
Computer aided design to setting the motion
2.sketch detail need constrain
3.Simple parameter design practice;
4.Try one plugins and used in your design(2pictures diplay problem ,and used in which part of your design );
5.Engineering Drawing for on component at least
6.practice for Automated Modeling
20240103 10
Arduino your own case
2.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
20240102 9
CNC machine
Interface application programming kinect case by yourself or just copy 20230103 8
3D printing 20240102 9
Computer-controlled cutting setting screenshot
2.machine practice picture
20240103 9
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.check team page"By Team/All Teams/Core"
2.more detail for every step with screenshot and reference link step4
3.method domain connect with tecent could
4.check git during install node.js with highght coding not picture
5.introduce final project
6.the fold and file relationship to run git to add picture to write the first document
10.where did you purchase domain
20240102 10
Computer aided design 1.sketch constrain and detal at least one one model for every step
3.parameter design,add equation in edit/change parameters
4.practice for Automated Modeling
20240103 10
Arduino 1.arduino basic &out need connection drawing,coding,programming method,board introduction
2.try to make connection drawing for iot &input, need vertical and horizon line
3.detail for iot setting
4.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
20240103 10
CNC machine 20240103 ok
Interface application programming 20240103 9
3D printing need one case by one case ,not in same step many case; 20240103 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.laser cutter result
laser cutter result how to connect with arduino
20240103 10
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management to open terminal
2. how to design coverpage(no coverypage) ,check information
3.the relationship for all fold and file
4. setting coverpage in index.html(all index.html)
5.the relationship git clone github repository and setting docsify
6. use markdown method to put picture in the meantime
git clone,git pull,gitpush
7.mention about your final project to use git to git clone,pull,push to collaborator team
10.introduce final project
11.the position relationship in for and whole information about index.html
13.check if need vue.css and dark.css togther,read index.html carefully
14.from "how to use git" to "how to use github"
15.add github and githubdesktop link
16.more detail for github practice(picture)
17.the relationship in github for two repositories(build repository first)
18.need your own picture(if reference need mention)
19.need record one step by one step ,not in wrong queue
20.check navbar and sidebar
20240104 9
Computer aided design 1.check web model display,The production process,Assembly effect
2.detail process for one model design and Gif to show working conditionconstrain sketch
3 Simple parameter design practice
4.test contact set/motion link and show gif
5.practice for Automated Modeling
20240103 10
Arduino your own case
2.check picture size
3.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
4.thinkercad drawing,coding,result at least for one case
5. wire need vertical and horizon
6.thinkercad just need one not 2, in Smoke detection lights
20240103 9
CNC machine 20240102 ok
Interface application programming need your own case 20240103 9
3D printing need your own case not copy online(mouse)
more detail for software setting and postprocessing
20240103 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.need test result 20240102 9
Final presentation soon


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1. recommand English
2.check git bash picture
3.where is local fold for your project(check the pic for disk address)
4.screenshot for folder information
5. add key screenshot
6. show how to setting page
7. wrong link for "about" and "group" & member introdcue
9.the fold and file relationship to run git to setting webpage in github
12.the method to show picture
13.the method show how to write one document
20240103 8
Computer aided design 1.detail about sketch
2.high quality picture
3.constrain all detail of sketch
4.check the information in "继续拉伸图中物体"
5. show the result of "阵列" the information of "选择图形,创建草图,生成投影"
7.fusion 360 app store download and install new plugin
8.Simple parameter design practice;
9.test contact set/motion link and show gif;
10.Engineering Drawing for on component at least
11.Simple introduce another CAD software or experience 3d living model in web
13.other software introduce
20240103 10
Arduino 1.tinkercad for project your own case
3.Find some open source projects which are similar with your final project, compare advantage and disadvantage
20231228 9
CNC machine 20240103 ok
Interface application programming where is the document 20231218 7
3D printing need postprocessing, assemble and motion for your own model 20240103 8
Computer-controlled cutting 20240103 8
Final presentation soon


  • 20230925:build page
  • 20231026:check pm&cad

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