Basic introduce

Hi everyone ,this semester we would learn interactivesystem together. The following is our schedule.we would do it step by step.

Interactivesystem workshop offer knowledge and skill about the hardware development especial prototype stage, and guide participant to practice. During the course , participant can system learn “how to make almost everything”, they would learn project management, mechanical design and manufacture, embedded development ,material, IT, etc. This course is team working, and it is a good opportunity for them to solve some SDGs problems.

We have online guidebook . We would try to push hardware innovation in our community one by one. In the meantime,We reference Fablab to build our lab. Nov 30,2022,Bob success become Fab Lab instructor and Fab Lab Ningbo-NexMaker become Fab Academy 2023 node,so we would launch Fab Academy 2023 with the help of some friends.


Date Course Content
0422 Introduction of design engineering
0429 Project management
0506 Open-source hardware and Arduino output
0513 pre presentation & QA
0520 Arduino input
0522 Processing(Interface application programming)
0527 Computer aided design
0529 QA
0603 Material
0605 Midterm presentation
0610 3D printing
0612 Computer-controlled cutting
0617 IOT
0619 QA
0624 QA
0626 Final presentation


Our evolution method is the following

Daily homework full score is 60

Course Content Full Score
Project management 10
Arduino output 5
Arduino input 5
Interface application programming 5
Material 5
Computer aided design 10
3D printing 10
Computer-controlled cutting 5
Arduino IOT 5

Final presentation full socre is 40


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository)
2. the position name with logo need check again to build webpage
4.need daily homework to clone,pull,push
6.highlight html
7.file and folder relationship and show html and css
0602 9
Arduino output 1.reference link for Automatic plant watering system
2.need own case not class's case
3.highlight code
4.tinkercad drawing for own case
5.check the size of final video
0602 4
Arduino input 1.highlight code
2.check the size of video the link for sensor the total physical connect for all components
0602 5
Interface application programming 1.highlight code
2.check the size of video
0602 5
Material 1.pic
2. al series
5. pic for al anodizing
plastic and wood postprocess
0626 4
Computer aided design 1.plugin
0602 8
3D printing 1.FDA
2.pic for SLM material compoiste
0626 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.wavelength series picture
0626 3
Arduino IOT 0626 3


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository)
2.check"know our teammember"
3.simple introduce your team
4.highligh html coding,not text
5.need high quality picture to find token for picgo to use git to clone,pull push repositroy
8.the link for the button project and final work
0602 9
Arduino output add your own case for output 0602 5
Arduino input 0602 4
Interface application programming 0602 4
Material 1.add detail for ss(45,304,316)
2.postprocess performance
4.pic for wood
0626 4
Computer aided design 0602 9
3D printing result for 汉印
3d print matetial (pla,pa12)
4. gcode
0624 9
Computer-controlled cutting safety pic
0626 4
Arduino IOT 0626 4

Yes or Yes

Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management the file and fold relationship the css file position and all code for css
3.howto setting the navbar
4. how to build the web in github how to collaborate ~~
~~6.the the method of build the web,confirm use docsify? all coding index.html and css
0601 10
Arduino output 1.need licence introduce
2.check the tinkercad line (color and no Wire crossings)
3.add the link for open source project
4.need own case
0601 4
Arduino input 1.check the tinkercad(no Wire crossings)
2.check the code const int switchPin = 2;
0601 5
Interface application programming 0527 5
Material detail
2.3-Grinding and polishing
picture for Post-processing heat treatment
0626 5
Computer aided design check the sketch ,need constrain all compoents 0602 10
3D printing detail for blender 0624 10
Computer-controlled cutting 1.laser cutter protection
2.environment glove
4.cnc pic
lasrcutter 890l
0624 5
Arduino IOT 0626 4

watermelon sugar

Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.the link is wrong
2.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository) to use git clone,pull,push
3.need detail to express how to buid the web
0601 7
Arduino output 0601 3
Arduino input 1.need own case not the case in class
2.check the size of picture
0601 5
Interface application programming 1.checking the arduino code(no arduino here)
2.check the video size
0601 5
Material 1.detail for spring(including series
2.injection delete
graphene part
3.postprocess for wood
0626 5
Computer aided design 1.assemble
3. parameter design practice
4.Automated Modeling
0602 7
3D printing 1.gcode
0626 9
Computer-controlled cutting 1.lasercutter safey picture
2.laser cutter and material
cnc application
0624 5
Arduino IOT 0626 4


Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.add personal webpage(own repository, not in team repository) to connect with github
3. how to build repository,collaborate,and web page link
4. show the file and fold relationship
5. show the real file name for"HTML section of homepage code"
0601 9
Arduino output 1.the board is Raspberry Pi pico
2.code need highlight
3.check the picture size for Raspberry Pi
4.need own case .not the case from class
LED connect is wrong
0601 3
Arduino input 1.need tinkercad connect
2.need real condition
3,check the sensor is ultrasonic sensor?
0602 3
Interface application programming 0601 4
Material 1.concreteand composite
3. PE application and update
memory alloy and graphite gif
4. postprocess ss: machine,compare pic
5.PE and wood postporcess
material for final project
0626 4
Computer aided design to design one model step by step
2.test the motion method to assemble
0602 6
3D printing 1.stratasys and EEE
2.nano manufacure
0626 8
Computer-controlled cutting 1.check the picture
2ss series
4.leathe disadvantage
5.laser cutter application
6.cnc application
0626 3
Arduino IOT 0626 4

None group

Topic Question Update time Condation
Project management 1.need personal web link to set navbar,and other effect
2.the method push to github
3.the method setting the howpage
4.why add gitlab homepage
5. give the reference link for zhihu's correspond information
6.clone 's picture need own picture the file and fold relationship
8. use docsify or other method , to make the daily homework page
0601 10
Arduino output 1.need own case for homework
2. need licence introduce
0602 4
Arduino input 1. circuit connect
3.confirm if the library can run
0602 5
Interface application programming 1.need tinkcad picture 0601 5
Material 1.check the GF
2.detail for SHP
3.detial for ss series
0626 5
Computer aided design 1.need automated model(need method step by step not result)
2.use plugin to make model(how to use it not just downlaod)
0602 10
3D printing 1.gcode analysis
2.check the battle
4.detial for background
0626 10
Computer-controlled cutting 2 methods 0626 4
Arduino IOT to run
3.advantage and disadvantage
0625 3


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